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Getting Started

Smocker exposes two ports:

  • 8080 is the mock server port. It will expose the routes you register through the configuration port.
  • 8081 is the configuration port. It's the port you will use to register new mocks. This port also exposes a user interface.

To get a better understanding of how Smocker works, let's open its user interface on the browser. With the default configuration, it will be available on localhost:8081

Smocker's user interface - Empty History

If you take a look at the sidebar on the left, you can see a list of sessions with one selected element.

Smocker's user interface - Sessions sidebar

By default, Smocker will automatically create a session on the first call trying to retrieve history or mocks. But you can also create one using the API. Smocker shows the history of the calls made to the mock server for the selected session. As we just started it, nothing is displayed yet.

Let's see how Smocker reacts when we try to call a non existing route. Run the following command in a terminal:

curl -i localhost:8080/hello/world
HTTP/1.1 666 status code 666
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
Date: Wed, 29 Jan 2020 17:25:31 GMT
Content-Length: 206

{"message":"No mock found matching the request","request":{"path":"/hello/world","method":"GET","body":"","headers":{"Accept":["*/*"],"User-Agent":["curl/7.54.0"]},"date":"2020-01-29T17:25:31.956225978Z"}}

If you refresh Smocker's user interface, you will see that it now displays an entry in the history:

Smocker's user interface - History with an undeclared mock response

Let's look closer at the call:

  • on the left, you can see all the details of the request you made: method GET, path /hello/world, and headers,
  • on the right, you can see the response of Smocker: error code 666, and informations regarding the error.

Smocker's user interface - Entry with an undeclared mock response


Smocker reserves the non HTTP status codes from 600 to 699. This is because we need an out of protocol way to report Smocker errors, which are different from the standard protocol errors. The explicit list of Smocker custom errors is available here.

To register our first mock, we will use the user interface. Switch to the "Mocks" page and click on the "Add Mock" button.

Smocker's user interface - Empty mocks page

Smocker's user interface - Add mocks

Mocks are defined using the YAML format. Register the following mock:

- request:
method: GET
path: /hello/world
Content-Type: application/json
body: >
"hello": "Hello, World!"

This mock simply states that when an HTTP GET call is made on the /hello/world path, the mock server must return a basic JSON document.

Now, execute the previous call one more time:

curl -i localhost:8080/hello/world
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Wed, 29 Jan 2020 17:40:52 GMT
Content-Length: 30

"hello": "Hello, World!"

Once you refresh the user interface, you should notice that this last call is present in the history and that Smocker replied with the response we declared instead of an error!

Smocker's user interface - History with an valid mock response

You can also visualize call history as a sequence diagram by clicking on the visualize button on the top right of the page.

Smocker's user interface - History visualization

This covers the basic usage of Smocker, but it was just the beginning! Smocker covers many more topics:

  • advanced filters,
  • automation,
  • dynamic calls,
  • proxies,
  • contexts,
  • and everything you might need to mock your whole environment!

For more details and explanations than just a Hello World, we invite you to check the Real Life Usage section.

And for advanced mocks you can check the Mock Definition documentation.