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Smoker can be parameterized through several arguments.

The list of existing Smocker parameters is:

FlagEnvironment VariableDefaultDescription
config-base-pathSMOCKER_CONFIG_BASE_PATH/Used to deploy Smocker under a sub-path of a domain
config-listen-portSMOCKER_CONFIG_LISTEN_PORT8081Port exposed by Smocker's API which is used to administrate Smocker
mock-server-listen-portSMOCKER_MOCK_SERVER_LISTEN_PORT8080Port exposed by Smocker's mock server where should be redirected your HTTP calls
static-filesSMOCKER_STATIC_FILES.The location of the static files to serve for the UI (index.html, etc.)
log-levelSMOCKER_LOG_LEVELinfoThe log level of Smocker, Values: panic, fatal, error, warning, info, debug, trace
history-retentionSMOCKER_HISTORY_RETENTION0The maximum number of calls to keep in the history by sessions (0 = infinity)
persistence-directorySMOCKER_PERSISTENCE_DIRECTORY""If defined, the directory where the sessions will be synchronized
tls-enableSMOCKER_TLS_ENABLE=truefalseEnable TLS using the provided certificate
tls-cert-fileSMOCKER_TLS_CERT_FILE/etc/smocker/tls/certs/cert.pemPath to TLS certificate file
tls-private-key-fileSMOCKER_TLS_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE/etc/smocker/tls/private/key.pemPath to TLS key file